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I've only been knowing "Dramatica" for a few weeks now and we really hit it off on a mental level. She's an Aquarius and so am I. The mental connection was out of this world. Causing our feelings to splurge at rapid speeds. I tried to keep control of the wheel and I think I did a good job. I was just hoping that this would not end up like all the rest; with another woman committing emotional suicide. Her traits are too much like those of a Capricorn, and I CANNOT and WILL NOT deal with a Capricorn. I might as well stick a gun in my mouth and fondle the trigger.

At first, there were things that I knew I would have to get use to, because she is her own woman and she's had 34 years to get stuck in her own ways. I respected that. There was the trust issue, on top of the over dramatic issue, the double standards and the distance. At this point in my life, I know what I want in a woman and I know that it's going to take a special woman to grasp my attention and keep it. I need a woman who is comfortable with herself and does not take things out on me, because of people that hurt her in the past. I want something brought to the table other than suppressed emotional baggage. Now days, that is way too much to ask for. "Dramatica", a very intelligent woman, as far as I know; she has her own home, own car, a great career and the list goes on. None of that impresses me; whether its fact or fiction. So what? I have that to; what else you got?

So many portfolios have been brought to my table. They look so nice on the outside cover. They are colorful, well designed, well written and unique. Then the page is turned and the pink flags go up. Do I turn another page? Or realize that this isn't going to work now? I cannot lie, I am a page turner and I do give people the benefit of the doubt. I can't do that anymore. I'm getting too old for this. No more wasting my time. I know what I want and if a woman doesn't have it; I'm not sticking around. I wrote a blog about accepting people yesterday and I will do just that. I can accept a person outside of my world, they don’t need to be in it. I'm not going to mesh well with everyone I encounter. Every romantic interest will not flourish into something beautiful. I realize this.

"Dramatica" taught me some valuable lessons on this quick journey and I do appreciate them. She taught me not to be so vindictive and spiteful when things don't go my way. She taught me to truly abide by the golden rule. She taught me to be more patient. She taught me that no one will ever be like me and it's stupid of me to expect that or anything from anybody. She taught me that age is merely a number and means nothing. It just reveals exactly how long you've been holding on to the same bullshit. She taught me that I am my own soul mate and that people that come into my life are merely compliments of what I've already built within myself. I have everything I need spread out on the table and if a woman can not match what I have, then it's not going to work. I need someone to work with. I cannot back track anymore.

So "Dramatica" thanks for the experience. I am pressing on in my life's journey. No love is lost and no hard feelings developed. Peace.

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