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Daily Singles: Summer Cool Down

Daily Singles: Summer Cool Down

Yikes -- your emotions are all over the place now. When it comes to romance, your knee-jerk reactions could have you kicking up quite a fuss -- one that might be completely unnecessary. Try to cool it.

Yes my emotions are all over the place today. I did however enjoy my long weekend. Time spent with my friends and family. It's moments with these people that make me realize the more important things in my life. I pay too much attention to bullshit produced by unworthy illusion lovers. I'm forever letting in and cutting out. You can judge this by my previous posts. If it ain't one thing, it's another.

I've been pretty stable lately though. I have a short temper and a very low level of patience in this love thing. That my way or the highway attitude is a bit extreme. I let my emotions get the best of me when things don't go my way and I handle matters in a very over dramatic way. I can admit this. It usually leaves people cursed out, kicked out and cried out. I'm not proud of this, but I've been this way for quite some time. I mean just yesterday I told somebody to beat it. That situation is one that I've written about before, and silly me for continuing to entertain such madness.

So now is the time to truly cool it. The rift raft is gone, and there is no excuses as to why I can't focus on the things that I really need to be working on. 2009 is not over, and there are many more moves that I must make before the year's end. The door is still open for love, and it always will be. All goes to show that the things I need to work on need to be accomplished before I call myself settling in another relationship.

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