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Daily Singles: Jaws Of Life

I'm not feeling this day at all thus far. I knew that when I went to bed last night with a mind filled with negative thoughts and a heart filled with remorse; my day would be rather jacked up. Why is letting go so hard for humans. Scratch that. Why is letting go so hard for me? When I get a grip on something, omg! I need the jaws of life to come and pry my hands open. Jumping into something new would more than likely ease my mind concerning what's old. Rebound material is not the best route to take; however it's the most familiar route. I have to fully close the door on the old in order to open the door for the new. It's only fair. It's the healthiest way.

Daily Singles: Aquarius - May 19, 2009

It's one small step for your love life, one giant leap for your overall philosophy of the heart. What seems like a relatively insignificant happening leads to an advance in your thinking that will really take you places.

Grasping onto what's real is much more logical than grasping on to what you know was never meant to be. Story of my life dude.

2 readers:

.schrody. said...

The worst part about being someone who can't let go, is being someone who can't let go && being smart enough to know you NEED to let go. Only makes you feel weaker && more like an idiot when you find back at square one again.

She W0rd Hustlez said...

True indeed!

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