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Righteous Or Unrighteous - Beauty Shop Talk

The Chair. The Main Stage. The Hot Seat.
Hear all and tell all.

So I woke up around 6:00a.m for my hair appointment this morning. Slightly hungover of course. I'll learn my lesson one day. I'm not here to talk about my drinking habits though. I'm here to talk about a discussion we had in the shop this morning. We all know that in any black beauty shop or barber shop is where the most juiciest conversations are held. Any gossip, drama, current events, break-ups, hook-ups and down right ignorance is caught here. I get my fill on these every 2 weeks when I sit in "Jay Why's" chair. Well this morning we had a topic that actually hit home, and had some ladies looking at me sideways. Of course I didn't give a fuck, and that didn't stop me from punching ignorance smack dab in the face; shutting it down!

So "Jay-Why" was telling us about a young lady that had been having problems for as long as we've all known her. She comes around for awhile, and then disappears in the night. No one will hear from her for about 6 months to a year at a time. Well this time she came back around a full blown lesbian! She thought that she needed to tell "Jay Why" about her recent choice in life. This didn't set well with "Jay Why". I actually thought the conversation was just going to be a passing one, but the girl actually came in the shop around 10:00 to get her hair done. Now, I grew up with my beautician and her brothers and sisters. Her mother was always like a 2ND mother to me. Keeping me from 4 months until I was about 5 years old. They were my family. We were all raised under strict guidance, and were taught from the same bible daily. However, we all grew up and set into our individual characters. We grasped our own beliefs, and made our own decisions. That's how growing up and life works right? It should be respected huh? Yeah right.

When "Jay Why" and the ladies got word of the young new lesbian's sexual preference, they flipped. Eyes were rolled, teeth were smacked, heads were shook, faces were frowned, bitches were tight about it. I smiled, loll. Because I knew the shit was about to hit the fan. True indeed, the girl had picked the wrong day to come get her hair done, because they were eating that ass alive! I must admit the young lady was lost, and she was still indeed trying to find herself, but the advise she was given was pure ignorant and hypocritical. Comments were made;

"Baby, you living in sin!"
"This is just a phase"
"Give the men one more chance."
"I knew that tongue ring was more than a fad."
"Yo' mama should have never let you go to that TSU campus!"
"Yo mama didn't raise you right."
"You need better guidance in life."
"You need to choose if you want to be righteous or unrighteous"

"Live your life and do what makes you happy. Find an understanding, realistic and truthful communication line with God."
"Be who you are, and laugh in the faces of the hypocrites telling you that you're living your life wrong."
"You have one judge, and one judge only. None of these bitches in here are flying high above the sky, so that makes them just as imperfect as you are."

"Are you gay?"
"Don't tell that girl that!"
"You're condoning her sinful ways"
"Meeky, you know better than that. My mama and your mama raised you right!"
"That's a damn shame."

"Yes, and I am happy."
"Don't tell her what? The truth?"
"I condone all you lying, nasty, cheating, and trifling fools."
"My mama raised me right, and did a damn good job. I in-turn took her values in life and became who the hell I was suppose to be."
"This is a damn shame."


Needless to say, that was the first time some of those women heard that I was gay my damn self. I am not the kind of woman to go flaunting her sexuality around and shoving it down people's throat. I am a private person, period. This goes for all areas in my life. I just hate to hear when heterosexual people down talk homosexuals and damn them to hell, when they are sinning themselves. No sin is greater or less than the other. There were women sitting in there who have openly admitted to cheating on their husbands, sleeping with their best friend's husbands, lying about who child is whose child, and the list goes on. So just because this young girl admits to be happy in her own life, with ONE person who happens to the the same sex as she, they go left.

The question was brought up, do you want to be righteous or unrighteous? Who are you or anybody else to say what is righteous or unrighteous? How about the young lady choose to be happy and live life for herself, and not for anyone else? I personally cannot live with knowing that went through life making only other people happy. Doing things or not doing things based off of what other people say and think. At the end of the day, these same people are doing what the hell they want to do, and not thinking twice about what you think. The fact of the matter is, people will always have something to say about how someone else is living their life, and how it's not being lived right. Well news flash, it's 2008, we live in the devil's playground of sin and imperfection. We were born NOT to live this shit right, because thanks to our fore-parents; that task is downright impossible; unless your last name is CHRIST. The last time I checked it was only one dude that EVER walked on this earth rockin' that pure garment. Now that's some righteous shit fo' yo ass!

After all of that was said and done, my shop experience didn't even turn out as sour as I thought it would. Some of the ladies still had their opinions as they are supposed to, but they respected it. A couple thought about it, and agreed with me. "Jay Why" just changed the subject, loll. When I got ready to leave, we play fought as usual, and I told her I'd be back in 2 weeks.

As for the newly found lesbian girl; she thanked me for stepping in and having her back. I didn't really step in to have her back parse; I just stepped in and shut down the ignorance at hand. Plain and simple.

7 readers:

ill;kinda said...

you go girl !
I'm glad you put those people in their place. They had no idea that you were a lesbian so that was shocking to them, of course they could talk down to some one who might have not meant anything to them, but if you're a regular there, & y'all are like family it makes people look at situations in a different light .

The Dreamy One said...

you did the right thing. sometimes people need to be put in their place. always trying to judge the next folk but wont even take a look in the mirror for their own transgressions!!!

She W0rd Hustlez said...

ill;kinda - Yeah most of them had been knowing me for a very long time, and they were caught off gaurd. You're right, sometimes it takes someone that means a lot to them to look at something from a different view.

Dreamy - Yeah, they killed me with that madness today. Normally, I go and laugh and joke around, and ignore the things that I personally find ignorant, but I couldn't let this one slide.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of yo ass!!!

Being gay isn't a danm's life bitch....

Anonymous said...

*wipes sweat*


I wanna to start a tag called "Bedroom Bully". In this tag, you list the most confident things about your sex and then ask three question about sex. Here is the rules!!!

1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 3 confident statements and then 3 questions about sex.
3. Tag 6 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

It's simple. Give 3 statements about sex. Ask 3 questions about sex. Tag 6 people. Leave a comment letting them know you tagged them. Feel free to answer MY questions or anybody else. HAVE FUN! At all my blogs, we HAVE FUN! Let me know if you like this tag or not by answering the poll on the side of the blog. HAVE FUN!!!

Latoya said...



Andrina said...


Good sh*t.

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