This Monday is going alright for me so far. Considering the emotional rollercoaster that I've been on. People now know me to be a pretty positive person. I try to remain calm in my spirit and as peaceful in my thinking as I possibly can. I learned quickly in my 24 years on my earth that my life is solely controlled by me. God is fully in my life to help guide me through everything that comes forth my way. Sometimes He will take me through things to learn certain lessons, but at the end of the day; it's me that controls the things in my life. Crazy, dramatic and heart retching things happen to all of us, but it is how we handle such things that determine the outcome of all situations. I realized a couple of years ago that when bad things happen, there is no use in drowning myself in sorrow and blaming the entire world for that bad thing. No need to put poison into other's world because of the current situation that I am living through. I get mad just like everyone else and I handle my anger in my own unique way. I may cry, I may curse, but I quickly get over things, because at some point it becomes detrimental to myself and my future. This depends on how long I choose to hold on to such anger. I can remember getting mad about certain issues and taking weeks to get over them. I'd remain angry with people and kill them off 6 million ways in my head to make myself feel better. This not only effected me and my daily responsibilities, but it effected other people I loved. I was one angry person, loll. I must admit. I was on permanent bitch mode, but that was one of the major changes that I had to make to preserve my life.
"Stuff your eyes with wonder…live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories." - Ray Bradbury, "Fahrenheit 451"
Even with all of the turmoil and stress that life may bring; its still a beautiful thing. I know that I am truly blessed to wake up breathing every day, have the loving family that I do, have the good health that I do, the loving friends that I have, the two jobs that I have and the roof over my head and the clothes on my back. I am thankful beyond words for these things and people. To be angry and negative in my spirit is only showing God that I'm ungrateful for these things and people. He works hard to protect me and make sure that I am alright everyday. So there is no need to be angry at people for small things for extended periods of time. When I have a problem, I know the best escape from that problem is to solve it. It's as simple as that. If I have people in my life that I feel do not appreciate me, take me for granted or take advantage of me. I eliminate those people from my life. No need in hating them and having long drawn out confrontations. Just eliminate the problem all together and keep living life to the fullest. Material things come a dime a dozen and so do friends an lovers. So I will enjoy all good things that come into my life and when that time is up with those things or people; I keep smiling and keep it moving.
Most people don't realize that we have 3 eyes and 4 legs. Sounds weird I know. But our strongest pair of legs are in our own mind and our strongest eye is in our own mind. It's those legs and that eye that help us keep walking as we say our silent prayer to help keep the strength going and our feet moving. I'm very proud to be at this point in my life. I have people 10 and 15 years older than me that haven't reached this point of peace and happiness in their lives. My mental legs are running faster than most people I know, and my mind's eye is seeing clearer and further than most people I know as well. It feels good. Out of all the crap that I've gone through last week; I feel good. Nobody can take this peace away from me. Many have tried to spread their poison into my life, but I refuse to let them. If I feel something or someone bringing my spirits down too far, it's time for me to move around. People are crabs in a barrel and will grab the first person they see moving closer to the top. It's sad, but it's typical for this day in age. So I use the tools that God has equipped for me and I do the work necessary to get myself out of such situations.
Anyway, I'm off my soap box now. I hope that my words have touched the hearts of a few individuals out there and they will begin to let the little stuff go, recognize their worth, and live life to the fullest. You have 10 more seconds to live, are you smiling?
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